The Good, The Bad, The Underground: A Look at Blacksburg’s Nightlife

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The allure of nightlife is, at times, the force that drives college decisions. My brother, social and honest where I am not, once told me he’d opt for community college over a traditional four-year if it weren’t for the “social aspect”—which in his case, of course, meant drinking and partying. Like many of you, I, too, was infected with this hunger as well: the desire to get a taste of what movies and television has told us is the quintessential “college experience”: to be bathed in neon light with a drink in hand. It can feel daring, rebellious. Or it can feel like a chore, a method of obtaining social currency. Entering Virginia Tech, I had only heard about the frat party scene, and believed I’d have to settle for that realm of sweaty polos and red solo cups—not all bad, but often lacking in vibrancy. What I found in my first couple months here is that Blacksburg’s nightlife extends beyond the conventional frat party, if you know where to look. Here’s a peek at my experiences in the different environments VT after dark has to offer.

The Frat Party

Despite my qualms, the frat scene is an integral sector of our campus’ nightlife, and often the uninitiated freshman’s first brush with college partying—though it’s nothing like the movies. Frat parties and I have a tumultuous love affair. To my detriment, I actually want to like frat parties. What I will say from my (grossly underqualified) experience is that the quality of a frat party is heavily reliant on the quality of the frat, and what the curious partygoer is looking for: if you like dancing, I recommend Delta Chi for their large dance floor at “The Lodge” (the high ceilings make for a noticeably less sweaty experience). If you like beer pong, Theta Delta Chi has a table… but not much else, unfortunately. Lamda Phi Epsilon isn’t as big or as known as some other frats, but the people make up for it—the brothers are generally chill, welcoming, and fun—and almost everyone at their parties knows each other, so the energy is there.

If you enjoy lite beers and hard seltzers, I have great news for you—that’s usually all there is at these parties! Don’t expect to get your hands on any jungle juice unless you show up on time (but seriously, who does that?). I am a seltzer-anti, so I rely heavily on the pregame (more on that later).

Whether drinking or not, I love dancing—but hate sweat, which kind of comes with the territory here. Prepare for your hair to be damp,  your skin to be covered with a thin sheen of sweat, and all but the strongest of makeup products to run. The excitement of entering a crowded, thumping basement is fun but doesn’t last long, and soon you and your friends might be heading back for a post-party snack—which in my opinion, is one of the best parts. There are other orgs that throw house parties with very similar characteristics—if the frat party already isn’t your thing, maybe skip, but if you want a slightly more intimate “frat party” experience, see if any cultural or interest organizations you know host.

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Blacksburg Bars

Blacksburg has a lot more bars than I could’ve anticipated, most of which I can’t speak on, like TOTS, Hokie House, Ridiculous Chicken, PK’s, etc. But, if you’re looking for a place to go during or after a game, there are a lot of sports bars to choose from (or hop between!). 

The sports bar isn’t really my scene (though they have a large presence here!), so I’ll be focusing on the bars I’ve been to that offer dancing, namely: Centro and The Milk Parlor.

If you’re looking for where the underclassmen go when they’re not at a frat, Centro is where you’ll find them. I’m an underclassman, so the pickings are slim. Centro isn’t bad by any means—they have an open dance floor, good music selections, and probably the most typical club vibe you’ll find in Blacksburg with a very generic atmosphere and lighting that’s a little too bright. However… If you’re under 21 and decide to grace Centro with your presence, prepare to be robbed. And by robbed, I mean charged a $25 cover fee at 11pm on a Thursday, when the dance floor is not yet crowded. I now refuse to go back there on principle.

Conversely, Milk Parlor’s cover for patrons under 21  is often affordable (around $5), and they host a myriad of live music, DJs, and other events. Go down the stairs that lead to the bar and you’ll find a cozy and colorfully lit space with seating options along the sides of the room, even when the center is cleared off to make a dance floor.  The Milk Parlor hosts something practically every night, from their Wednesday Salsa Nights, occasional Comedy Nights, and open mics, to their concerts of all genres: funk, metal, EDM, synth, rock, and art pop, to name a few. Various clubs at VT and local bands will often have performances or events here. The EDM club’s Neon Rave Night was hosted here, which was one of my favorite nights of dancing. The Milk Parlor has a little something for everyone, from the fast paced to the lowkey, and unlike many other bars, the drinking is secondary: the events are usually entertaining in their own right.

Credit: Pinterest

VT Underground

Vital-Tunes Underground is a new group in Blacksburg that hosts pop-up shows highlighting underground music. While new to the scene, they’ve already garnered engagement from several students. I went to their Halloween Haunted House Rave, and it was packed (and sold out). I think the atmosphere was limited by the small house, which made it feel more frat party and less house show, from the cramped set up and limited acoustics. Still, the underground tunes and intimate space made me feel like I was in on a secret, which is part of the draw of the lesser-known parties and shows like this. However, the performers and producers are passionate about what they do, and worth keeping an eye on. My advice: if you’re interested, get your tickets early, as the price keeps climbing the closer the event gets.  While I wasn’t wowed by my one experience with VTU, I’m excited and curious to see what they come up with in the future.

Honorable Mention: The Pregame

Listen. The pregame is the unsung hero of a night out. You get to drink what you want (or not at all), with who you want, in the comfort of your dorm or apartment. It’s glorious. I often find the music selections lacking in the local nightlife settings, but at the pregame? You can play whatever you want. You can play those early 2000’s hits that clubs and bars just don’t play anymore. There are no rules here. The pregame, to me, is a large reason why I enjoy nightlife—it’s a chance to connect and unwind with friends, take twenty tipsy mirror selfies, and make memories.

In Short…

If you’re dissatisfied with the nightlife at VT… I don’t blame you. It can be difficult to compare it to the cultural, artistic, or urban hubs some of us come from. That being said, there are several options to scratch the social itch, many of which are student-spearheaded efforts to bring culture and entertainment to Blacksburg. Part of the fun of a college town is exploring what your new home has to offer and learning what you like (and maybe what you don’t). Don’t be daunted by the boisterous glitz and glam that comes with the idealized image of a frat party: while that is a part of our campus culture, it’s by no means all of it. Take advantage of the variety of nightlife options offered to get involved in clubs and orgs, support local artists, or to enjoy a change of scenery—I know I do.

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